纸美东方 风雅礼韵 ——“礼纸”纹样设计国际大赛


“礼 纸”,是在中国“宣纸”、日本“和纸”及“友禅纸”的材质工艺基础上,融入经过独创性再设计的中国传统纹样,从而形成具有浓郁东方色彩的艺术纸种。礼纸不 仅仅是作为礼物的包装纸,也是赋予礼物文化的内蕴,更是将一份“礼”的情感心意传递。纸是文化的载体,礼纸是情意的升华,它超越了传统纸的概念,更体现了 人与纸的结合。


纸美东方 风雅礼韵



纸美东方 风雅礼韵——“礼纸”纹样设计国际大赛








赛主题Competition Themes


Theme 1: being sentimental (friendship)


Theme 2: embedding festivals (solar terms and festivals)


Theme 3: flourishing Tang Dynasty (culture of Han and Tang Dynasties)


Theme 4:  Southern Yangtze Region (regional culture)

备注:应考虑作品与印刷工艺的结合,如四色印刷/烫金工艺/UV工艺/丝网印工艺等 。

Note: The combination between the works and printing technology must be considered, such as the four-color printing/gilding technique/UV technique/screen printing technique, and so on.

大赛流程Competition Procedures

(一)2017年 3 月20 日参赛作品征集开始;

March 20th, 2017- Call for Participation;


May 31st, 2017- Deadline for Competition Submission;


June 1st, 2017- Review and Judge, with initial review and final review;


June 11th, 2017-Work Awarding Pubilicity;


July 13th, 2017-July16th, 2017-Exhibition on Jiangsu Book Fair;

(六)2017年 10 月证书及奖品发放;

October, 2017-Awarding and Certification;


Awarded Works Collection Publication.


Participants, Requirements and Advisers

(一) 参赛对象:参赛者应为具有独立法人资格的各类企事业单位,或者是年满18周岁及以上的自然人及组合。未满18周岁的自然人参赛,必须与其合法监护人一起申 报。注 :指导老师资格:在参赛者参赛作品创作过程中予以指导和建议的所有老师。指导老师在其日常教学活动中需对参赛者有直接任教关系。

Participants: the participants can be various enterprises and public institutions with independent corporate capability, or natural person or team aged 18 or above. If any natural person below 18 years old wants to attend the competition, his/her legal guardian must jointly declare.

Note: qualification of the advisers: all teachers giving instructions and suggestions in theprocess of creating the competed works. The advisers must have direct teac-hing relationships with the participators in the daily teaching activities.





The manifestation of every designed production must be created with lines, color blocks as the elements of graphic design.


Storage requirements: all works must be saved in the following two formats:Source file format, in the form of (.ai/.psd/.cdr),  and review mode, as PDF or JPG.


Color mode: All source files are required to be in CMYK mode. The derived review document is in RGB mode.

4、作品尺寸:700mm× 500mm , 像素为300dpi。

Size:700mm× 500mm. The pixel is 300dpi.


The production coloring is within 3-6 color registers (black or white, golden or silver can be included) or satisfying four color printing technique.


As to the freehand sketching (not created directly in the computer software), it is required to be scanned and save it into electronic edition following the above req-uirements.


Filename requirements: theme of the competed production + name of the author (Example: decorum+ Ma Chongxun)


Competition Application and Exhibition Means


Competition Application


Log in the official cooperation website of the competition:

http://www.titlepark.com to download the information table. Then send the source file, review mode file and application table together to the mailbox of the organizer:lipaper@hotmail.com(Abroad);



Exhibition Means


Exhibit through PC terminal: http://www.titlepark.com;


Exhibit through mobile terminal:


“Zhi Jia”(WeChat ID.: zhijia_66)


“Shu Ming Hao”(WeChat No.: smhtitlepark)

大赛奖项设置Awarding Scheme


Gold Award, two pieces for each theme. Awards: RMB 3000, with honor certificates, cups and work collections.


Silver Award,  three pieces for each theme. Awards: honor certificates, cups and work collections.


Bronze Award, four pieces for each theme. Awards: honor certificates and work collections.


Excellence Award and Nomination Award, numbers to be determined according to the number of participation. Awards: honor certificates.


Excellent Advisers Award. Awards: certificates of excellent adviser award and work collections.


Best Organization Institutions Award. Award: certificates of best organization institutions award and work collections.


Note:(1) the above mentioned bonus is the amount before taxation. The participa-nts must pay taxation by themselves according to the laws and regulations of the relevant countries(including but not limited to the People’s Republic of China) and relevant districts.


All certifications of the competed productions will be stamped with the official seal of Suzhou Municipal Bureau Of Culture, Radio, Television, Press And Publications


Details of the Competition


No quantity limitation for individual submission.


No return for all the submission no matter selected or not. Please keep the manuscript by the author himself/herself.

特 别注意:请作者仔细阅读所有参赛细则,仔细阅读参赛简章并按要求填写个人信息,组委会将严格审核送选作品材料 ,如有不符合大赛细则或缺项,作品将不能进入评选程序。评委拥有作品评选的绝对权利 。为了方便主办方与您取得联系,请务必认真填写联系信息,以便帮您及时解决作品上传中可能出现的问题,以及大赛相关信息通知。


Copyright of the Works and the Publication and 

Sales of the Work Collection

1.参赛作品必须为参赛者本人或团队的原创作品,如一旦发现参赛作品为抄袭他 人创意、概念的行为,或作品发生版权、知识产权等纠纷,由作者自行承担后果,组委会将取消其参赛资格。

All submission must be the original production of the participants or participating team. Once it has been discovered with any plagiarism, or have any disputes about the copyright or intellectual property, the author will take the consequence by himself/herself. More over, the organizing committee will cancel his/her eligibility.

2.组委会拥有所有参赛作品的展览、出版、宣传、收藏、用于电视、网络、平面或广播媒体展示的权利。大赛作品集将由正式出版社出版 。获选作品将在大赛官方网站及大赛官方微博、微信平台公布。

The organizing committee has the right to exhibit, publish, propagandize, collect the productions on TV, network, plane or media. The work collection of the competition will be published through official publishing house. The selected works will be published on the official website, official MicroBlog and WeChat platform of the competition.


The organizer has the right to conduct adjustment or produce derivative to the selected productions according to the exhibition demands and technological requirements.


The organizer has the preemptive right of the copyright.


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